These are the Reasons Why Businesses Need the Outstanding UX/UI

Bridgewater Labs
4 min readFeb 5, 2021


“People ignore design that ignores people.” — Frank Chimero

Tell me — what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about UX/UI?

Is it the colors? Well-organized sections that make the whole website/mobile app look more appealing? Is it the ease and speed of finding the information you seek?

Oh yes, UX/UI is all that, and more than meets the eye.

UX/UI is the first “hello”. It is the primary thing people experience when they land on a certain website or when they download and open a certain app, therefore it is necessary to be proper.

A good UX/UI demands a good designer/engineer, someone who can digitally present your business for what it truly is and what it stands for, which is customer satisfaction, among other things.

Investing in a high-quality UX/UI is never a bad decision, even though many businesses don’t comprehend its importance to this day. Statistics show that around 30% of people nowadays leave the website after seconds of landing on it or uninstall an app — rarely coming back. This is the overall result of a poor UX/UI, especially businesses that don’t understand why they should pay more attention to it.

What is UX/UI?

What is interesting about “User Experience” and “User Interface” is that they are correspondingly used terms and both elements work closely together for the same goal, but they’re two completely different things.

UX (User experience) is a set of different elements of the product, service, or system a certain business is supposed to launch, such as integration, design, accessibility, and functionality. It is meant to trigger certain emotions, attitudes, and perceptions in people while they’re interacting with a specific product or software. The main objective of UX is to keep the users interacting — which is way harder than it sounds. Microsoft’s studies showed that, since the year 2000 (or since the beginning of the mobile revolution), the users’ attention span dropped from 12 to 8 seconds (which is, believe it or not, shorter than Dory’s.).

UI (User interface) comes as a great aid to keep the users interacting. The user interface design is mainly focused on the looks and style of specific software. Here, it is all about making it frustration-free: a software that is enjoyable and easy-to-use from the user’s perspective. Since UI is often confused with UX, the easiest way to explain the difference between them is to look at UI as a part of the UX design process, which is in charge of the actual feel of the design.

Why is UX/UI getting more and more essential for all businesses?

The mobile revolution pretty much changed the way we function. A person can do everything via a smartphone nowadays — pay the bills, order food, check in to a hotel, book the flights, etc. The detonation of this large-scale connectivity made us dependent on the everyday-use of various mobile applications, and it will continue to do so for many years to come, therefore it is important for all businesses to understand that they need a mobile app to survive in the neverending competitive swimming.

Having a mobile application is the first step in digitalizing your business, but the real game-changer is UX/UI.

“There are three responses to a piece of design — yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” — Milton Glaser

Why does your business need a good UX/UI?

The perks of a good UX/UI are plenty in number, but I’ll mention the most important ones, such as:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Developing a distinguished brand
  • Sales growth — the incredible fact is that over 75% of users are making purchases based on colors!
  • Generating more traffic on your app and website — 74% of people return to a website if it’s optimized for a mobile device!
  • A great return on investment (ROI) — A good UX can bring $2 to $100 ROI out of $1 of the initial investment!

Just like Milton Glaser said, the most important thing about a certain design is to wow people with it. We at Bridgewater Labs know how vital UX/UI design is — we have a fantastic team of great designers and engineers who’s been helping our clients express their business in a way that manifests simplicity, compassion, recognition, understanding, and knowing what their customers want (link to our portfolio 😊).

Tatjana Lukic, Project Assistant at Bridgewater Labs



Bridgewater Labs
Bridgewater Labs

Written by Bridgewater Labs

We are a multinational team of 60+ tech enthusiasts who make a difference on two continents, helping businesses thrive through digital innovation.

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